Birthline is a Christian, nonprofit Pregnancy Resource Center founded in 1979, currently housed in the House of Neighborly Services building in Loveland, Colorado.  Birthline’s heart and principles are the same today as when founded, and are expressed in its current Vision, Mission, and Values here:

Because we have been loved perfectly as children by God the Father through Jesus the Son Birthline of Loveland Pregnancy Resource Center has…

…the vision of a community where mothers and couples of unintended pregnancies are themselves loved and supported so much that they all choose to bring their babies to term, and all might thrive in their new life together…

…the mission of offering real support to expecting mothers and couples from the time of their baby’s conception and throughout the young parental years, so as to safeguard the lives of born and unborn children and to open doors to gospel conversations… 
…the emphasized Christian values of non-judgmental compassion, unwavering forthrightness, and covenantal commitment to those whom we are blessed and fortunate enough to serve. 

Love as invite Birthline


"And may the Lord make your love to grow and overflow to each other and to everyone else, just as our love does toward you." - Thessalonians 3:12

Join us for a fun, informative, and festive affair as we celebrate what the Lord is doing through the Birthline Center and Maternity Home, and raise funds to support these great causes.  Heavy hors d'oeuvres, desserts, beverages, stories, and vision for the future - this will prove to be a wonderful time together with life at the center.  

This event will be held at the beautiful Brookside Gardens (619 E County Rd 8, Berthoud), and will feature Jill Anderson as one guest speaker – the CareNet Director of Ministry Partnerships, UNC and Stanford grad, who has her own personal story which intersects the world of pregnancy resource centers and adoption.

Hope to see you there, thanks for the support! 

Executive Director 
Birthline of Loveland

Birthline listens and helps guide women in their situation to understand their choices.

  • Birthline cares and gives the emotional and spiritual guidance to help mothers and fathers choose life for their babies. Birthline provides free maternity clothing, infant and baby clothing up to size 2T, layettes for new moms, and diapers.

  • Birthline helps new fathers understand the challenges and joys of a crisis or unplanned pregnancy along with their responsibilities. Birthline is available 24/7 with a hotline at (800) 712-4357.

  • Birthline services are free and confidential to anyone, regardless of age, race, marital or economic status. Birthline refers clients to supportive community agencies and organizations.

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.